Case 1: left height is lower than the right height.
We focus on the left side. In the left side, we keep the highest height so far. If current height is less than the highest one, so the water trap for current position is (highest height - current height) (you can image two bars with one higher than the other). Otherwise, we update the highest height to current height and no water trap for current position.
Case 2: left height is higher than the right height.
We focus on the right side. Same idea with Case 1.
1: class Solution {
2: public:
3: int trap(vector<int>& height) {
4: int maxLeftHeight = 0, maxRightHeight = 0;
5: int left = 0, right = height.size()-1;
6: int area = 0;
7: while (left <= right) {
8: if (height[left] <= height[right]) {
9: if (maxLeftHeight <= height[left]) maxLeftHeight = height[left];
10: else area += maxLeftHeight - height[left];
11: left++;
12: } else {
13: if (maxRightHeight <= height[right]) maxRightHeight = height[right];
14: else area += maxRightHeight - height[right];
15: right--;
16: }
17: }
18: return area;
19: }
20: };
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